Travelogue Belgium, Luxembourg and France A short campertrip that we made in April 2024, abroad, but still close to our home Period 10 april 2024 – 14 april 2024. Distance 875 km. In April we made a short camper trip not too far from home. We visited Mechelen in Belgium, Clervaux in Luxembourg and the surroundings of Verdun in France. Please note that when you click on the green headings above the paragraphs, you will be directed to the photo […]
Photography We are Europe A visit to the photo exhibition “We are Europe” in Cultuurcentrum Mechelen of the Belgian photographer Lieve Blancquaert Lieve Blancquaert is a Belgian photographer, journalist and documentary filmmaker. She is socially very involved in the fight against injustice, especially against women. She has written or collaborated on twenty books. Her work has been shown at many exhibitions, mainly in Belgium. Lieve Blancquaert has also made beautiful documentaries for television. It is impressive to read on her […]
Cemeteries The Belgian series This is the first series of cemeteries in Europe. The photo’s below have been taken in the central cemetery of Brugge (Bruges) and the Campo Santo cemetery in Gent (Ghent).