Tag:Aad van den Bos


About Us

About us collect moments not things Thank you for showing interest in our site! Here below a short introduction to who we are. We are an elderly couple, but still young at heart. We live with our two dogs in Zeeland ( Netherlands) in an old cottage at a dike. We have lived, before settling ourselves in Zeeland, in Greece and Italy for almost 15 years. We are serious photographers, not professionals. Yvonne likes photography, mainly when travelling. She is […]

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Fotografia Introduction Capturing light with a camera and create a picture Thank you for visiting our website. Through this website we would like to get in touch with other photographers and/or travellers, to get to know their work and above all to learn and get inspired. Hopefully you are also interested in our photos, which we kindly share with you. Our full portfolio is on SmugMug , which you are welcome to visit. In our posts there are also separate links to specific […]

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