
City walks Maastricht

Maastricht – NederlandStrolling through Maastricht Maastricht is a city and a municipality in the southeastern Netherlands. It is the capital and largest city of the province of Limburg. Maastricht is located on both sides of the Meuse (Dutch: Maas), at the point where the Jeker joins it. Mount Saint Peter (Sint-Pietersberg) is largely situated within the city’s municipal borders. Maastricht is adjacent to the border with Belgium and is part of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, an international metropolis with a population […]

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Travelogue – Nederland 2023

Travelogue Nederland 2023 A short campertrip that we made in October 2023 in Central Netherlands. Period 8 october 2023 – 13 october 2023.  Distance 805 km. In October 2023 we made a short camper trip in Central Netherlands. We travel a lot in other countries in Europe with our buscamper, but we realise by traveling not so far away from home that there still many interesting places to discover in our homecountry. Route Zeeland – Heilig Landstichting – Bemmel Bemmel […]

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