Tag:Camper reizen

Agia Pelagia

On the road with our camper

Travelogues On the road with our camper In 2016 we bought our first camper. We wanted to travel together with our two dogs and be free to go and stay where it just feels good. Nothing is nicer than being on the road, just the four of us,  with our camper. Where the wind blows us. Of course, with our cameras. The first camper we bought in 2016 was the Pössl Road Scout R. A great camper, with which we started our camper […]

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Travelogues travels with our buscamper In this section we publish concise travelogues of our travels in Europe with our buscamper, with links to our photo series on SmugMug. I November 23, 2023 Travelogue Spain and Portugal 2023 (2) travelogue Spain and Portugal 2023 (2) Travelogue of our camper trip through Spain and Portugal that we made in August and September 2023 with… June 8, 2023 Travelogue – Spain and Portugal 2023 travelogue Spain and Portugal 2023 Travelogue of our camper […]

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Fotografia Introduction Capturing light with a camera and create a picture Thank you for visiting our website. Through this website we would like to get in touch with other photographers and/or travellers, to get to know their work and above all to learn and get inspired. Hopefully you are also interested in our photos, which we kindly share with you. Our full portfolio is on SmugMug , which you are welcome to visit. In our posts there are also separate links to specific […]

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