Tag:Camper travels
travelogue France and Spain 2024 (II) Travelogue of our camper trip through Spain that we made in August and September 2024. In part I we reported on our journey through Belgium and France to the Spanish border. In this part we continue our journey and make a round trip in Spain. This is our sixth round trip with our buscamper in Spain and we still have a lot to explore in this beautiful imposing country. We drove about 7.130 km […]
Travelogue France and Spain 2024 (I) Slow traveling through Belgium and France on our way to Spain. Period 27 August 2024 – 28 September 2024. Distance 7,130 km. This time we wanted to drive on provincial roads to Spain with only limited use of toll roads. “Slow traveling” through Belgium and France. In Spain we wanted to descend along the east side, then diagonally north via Andalusia. This part of the report describes the route we drove through Belgium and […]
travelogue Spain and Portugal 2024 Travelogue of our camper trip through Spain and Portugal that we made in March 2024. When we left Zeeland, we didn’t have a definite plan. However, it was certain that we would go to Spain and Portugal. Due to the bad weather, it would be a shorter trip than we initially planned, but still it turned out to be a beautiful and special trip. We hope to continue the journey in the not-too-distant future. We […]
travelogue Spain and Portugal 2023 Travelogue of our camper trip through Spain and Portugal, that we made in early spring 2023. In the winter period we both suffer from the winter blues. A good remedy for this is to look for the warmth of the sun and that is what we did. At the beginning of March, we left for Southern Europe to the border area of Spain and Portugal. The weather gods were good to us and during the […]
travelogue Spain 2022 Travelogue of our camper trip through Spain, that we made in October 2022. In the autumn of 2022, we travelled through Spain from the north to the south and back, mainly inlands. The route we followed went through the regions: Castilla y León, Extremadura, Andalucía and Castilla-La Mancha. We drove about 6.500 km during this trip, of which 4.000 km in Spain Photo series We have published all photos of this journey on SmugMug. Together with the […]
travelogue Greece 2022 Travelogue of our camper trip through Greece, that we made in April – May 2022. In the fall of 2021, we made a tour on the Peloponnese and visited the island of Kythira and we traveled through Epirus for a few days. In 2022 we returned to Greece in the spring. In the Peloponnese we wanted to (re)visit a number of archaeological sites and explore Thessaly, Macedonia, Thrace, and Epirus. On our way to Greece, we visited […]
Travelogues On the road with our camper In 2016 we bought our first camper. We wanted to travel together with our two dogs and be free to go and stay where it just feels good. Nothing is nicer than being on the road, just the four of us, with our camper. Where the wind blows us. Of course, with our cameras. The first camper we bought in 2016 was the Pössl Road Scout R. A great camper, with which we started our camper […]
Travelogue Epirus and Central Greece 2021 After having finished our round tour on te Peloponnese, we fortunately had still a few days for making a trip to Epirus, to the Zagori. During this time of the year, mid October, it is Indian Summer in Epirus. Photo series Since we have recently organised our photos of our camper travels in Greece in Regions, the photos of the this particular journey can be found in our series Epirus, Western Greece and Central […]
TRAVELOGUE The Peloponnese 2021 Period: 7 September 2021 – 23 October 2021. Distance: 8.290 km. Finally, we were able to travel again, although Covid-19 was still around. We have been vaccinated, but we strictly applied the necessary safety measures. For us, that meant keeping distance, wearing masks in public places, taking hygiene seriously, staying in our own bubble as much as possible Photo series We have a very extensive photo series of our trip on SmugMug. Click here for the […]
Travelogue Kythira 2021 In September and October this year we made a tour on the Peloponnese. We took the opportunity to fulfil a longterm wish of Yvonne, i.e. to visit Kythira. In Neapoli we took the boat to the island Kythira. The title of Frank van Weerde’s book, see here below, is: “Kythira, just a special island”. And that’s exactly what Kythira is. We found it to be one of the most beautiful islands of our “Greek islands list”. Unspoilt, […]